Convert Audiobooks from Audible into MP3s

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This is, how do you convert and save audiobooks from your Audible account into MP3s with Openaudible. I love audiobooks and use Audible since 2007, that was before Amazon required the service. Of course, my library grows enormously, but in some situations, especially while travelling I needed my books as MP3 files as I could not take my normal iPhone with me.

Audible Download Manager to download the books.

How do you convert and save audiobooks from your Audible account into MP3s with Openaudible? As most of you know, you can download your audiobooks from the Audible website onto your computer. Just click on Download in your library on the audiobook you want to convert. A special download manager takes care of the download and provides you with a special ending “.aax” for your books.

To convert them into MP3s just download an opensource program called OpenAudible, Start the program and simply drag the audiobooks with the .aax ending from the folder into the program. Right-click on them and convert to mp3. After a couple of seconds or minutes (the symbol next to the Audiobook will be turn green) and voila, you have now your book as mp3.

Open Audible Program
Openaudible to convert audiobooks from Audible files into MP3s

To convert your audiobooks into mp3 with Openaudible, don’t make them way smaller. Also, you can listen in your Audible app to your books also when you stop paying for the service.

I do not know if you pass any copyright restrictions or if you do anything illegal using this software. So be sure that you act according to the law in your country of residence. I hope I could help someone of you with this little tutorial to convert your audiobooks into mp3 with Openaudiblea and recommend to check out my other projects.

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