Magic Mirror info screen

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  • Post category:Homelab / Projects
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The Magic Mirror info screen is an open-source modular smart mirror platform that runs on a raspberry pi. Don’t get too confused about the name, it is an option to buy a 1-way glass plate and to place the monitor behind it, but I tend to use the smart mirror platform just on a monitor in my office that shows me vital information

What vital information you may ask? That’s easy, it can show you everything you want. There is a modules page with all the possibilities of what you can run on your screen. But with a little programming knowledge, you should be able to also make your own modules.

My Magic Mirror Screen

On my screen, it shows me if my train is delayed in the mornings, the opening hours of our favourite coffee (that change in summer and winter) as well as the most frequently visited tourist attractions in case of unannounced visitors. I made a little list of what you can see on my screen as an orientation of what it can show you:

Magic Mirror Close
  • Time / Date
  • Weather / Compliments
  • Callender for my personal and my household events
  • If my lights / Cryptominers are on
  • Train information (when is the next and is it on time)
  • Swedish words to learn
  • Who is on the TeamSpeak server

But you can show way more things on the mirror by default when you install the community modules. There is no official number, but it must be over 100. I just wanted to introduce my screen to you as inspiration that something like that exists. If you want to set it up, just follow the instructions on their official website and browse around their modules here.

Its worth to look around for the amazing hardware builds other people did with this piece of software. From bathroom mirrors to hallway monitors, you can find anything! If you like the Magic Mirror info screen, have a look for other Homelab projects I work on here!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. rhstemann

    What is the name of the lights module?? look amazing! did you customize the css ?

    1. Bloham

      I did NOT customize the CSS more than what magic mirror allowed me in their default settings.
      For the light controls, I use the module called: MMM-Hue-Lights
      You have to make a developer account for the Phillips Hue lights but its really worth it (And no extra costs)
      Also you can integrate all the other sensors in there and I’ve been told, if you have a touch screen you can also control it.

More Ideas?